Sun. May 19th, 2024

In 2018, it was reported that 15.4 million working days were lost either to work-related stress, anxiety or depression. As figures like these become increasingly more well-known, many employers are beginning to notice the importance of employee wellbeing, and its impact on work productivity.

As a result of this, an increasing number of employers are beginning to step their game up in creating a friendly, accommodating work environment for members of staff, according to office agents Pilcher Hershman.

Going into a new decade, 2020 is only set to see an increase in these environments, businesses now getting increasingly more creative in boosting their employees’ wellbeing.

Not only can this have an impact upon productivity for the business, but it can also increase staff retention, as employees are more likely to stay somewhere they feel appreciated and taken care of.

Below are some of the main ways employers are set to create a good working environment throughout 2020 and beyond.


Working From Home

Let’s face it, the daily commute can be stressful, especially in London – having to squeeze on an overpacked tube both to and from work, with around 2 million people commuting into London everyday . Many employers now offer the chance for employees to work from home for a day or so out of the week.

Not having to travel in for the day can give employees an extra piece of the mornings and evenings to themselves.  Allowing employees to work in their own space can also make them feel more comfortable and relaxed.

Break Out Rooms

Break out rooms are designated areas in the workplace that are open for employees to use. They are separate from the rest of the workplace, and can provide employees with a break away from their normal working area; where they can recharge, have lunch, or even hold a meeting.

These break out rooms give members of staff a little more breathing space, which can reduce stress in the working environment and thereby promote a calm and collected atmosphere amongst a business’s workforce.

Communal Areas

Many employers have also adopted the idea of communal areas for their employees, typically consisting of pool tables and other fun games. These areas can give employees a pleasant change from the normal working environment, letting them switch off and, similar to the break rooms, recharge during breaks from work.

Communal areas can also help to encourage a workforce to be more sociable with each other. This can help to promote employee wellbeing through building friendships at work whilst also strengthening a team. This can further efficiency and improve staff retention.

Additionally, having a designated area for socialising can also reduce chatter and procrastination in the office, as it stops employees from chatting at their place of work, disturbing those in the surrounding area.

By Editor