Fri. Sep 13th, 2024

On World Suicide Prevention Day (10 September 2019), RedArc is aiming to dispel the long-held myth that talking about suicidal thoughts may make an individual worse and lead to a greater chance of an individual dying by suicide. Whilst companies such as RedArc offer professional support to people who suffer from all types of mental health issues, the company is promoting the fact that anyone can immeasurably help a suicidal individual by asking direct questions and listening to the replies.

Alison Simmons, senior mental health nurse adviser for RedArc Nurses says: “Specially trained mental health professionals are obviously best positioned to support individuals who are experiencing suicidal thoughts, but that doesn’t mean they are the only ones who can help. It’s understandable that a lot of people don’t feel comfortable discussing suicide but if we can put our own discomfort to one side, there is absolute benefit in tackling the subject.”

In addition to there being a number of charities on a national and local level who also support those considering suicide, insurers are themselves now offering an alternative source of help.

Alison Simmons continued: “Whilst insurance payouts are clearly crucial during difficult times in life, insurers now recognise that providing support for emotional wellbeing is equally important. As well as helping people when they have reached crisis point, insurers are also aiming to deliver access to specialist third-party services at an earlier stage to potentially avoid a mental health condition deteriorating. This is often a combination of access to a dedicated medical mental health practitioner, counselling, therapies, online tools & apps, reading materials and a helping hand to navigate the NHS.

“Far too many families are still devastated by suicide, but everyone should know that help is out there. Professional support is becoming increasingly accessible via insurers but no-one should shy away from just offering a caring listening ear, as it can truly make the difference between life and death.”

By Editor