Thu. Sep 12th, 2024

Many employers want to create an LGBT-inclusive workplace. However, XpertHR says good intentions alone are not enough to embed an inclusive culture and employers can struggle to implement practical actions required to achieve inclusivity.

The company is therefore running a 60-minute webinar for HR professionals on Tuesday 3 December at 11am GMT with Sanjay Sood-Smith, executive director at Stonewall, who will be sharing his experience and top tips for embracing and embedding an LGBT-inclusive workplace. This will include guidance on creating an environment in which people feel comfortable to be themselves, and the role that networks, role models and allies can play in supporting inclusivity. The key part that leaders play in influencing behaviour throughout their organisation will also be examined.

Attitudes towards LGBT people in the workplace and wider society have changed in recent years and people are protected against discrimination at work and in the provision of goods, services and facilities. However, a 2018 report[i] by Stonewell found that more than a third of LGBT staff (35%) have hidden that they are LGBT at work for fear of discrimination. Another report by the TUC[ii] found that 39% of LGBT workers had been discriminated against or harassed by a colleague, 29% by a manager and 14% by a client or patient. Only one-third had reported the harassment or discrimination to their employer.

Jo Stubbs, XpertHR’s global head of content product strategy, says,

“Employers should be striving to create an inclusive workplace for all their employees, whatever their sexual orientation or gender identity. Not only is this important for employee wellbeing and preventing bullying and harassment, but organisations also stand to gain in terms of morale, productivity and reputation. A diverse workforce brings different perspectives, knowledge and insights to work, enhancing creativity and innovation and enabling the organisation to be more responsive to the needs of a wide range of customers and service users.”

“Most organisations want to be proactive in this area. However, we know that sometimes they struggle to translate good intentions into reality. It’s great therefore to have Sanjay talking on this subject as I know employers will get some real benefit from his significant knowledge and practical experience in this area. And the interactive nature of the webinar of course means that listeners can submit their own questions and find out what other employers are asking throughout. We also encourage people to submit any specific questions they have in advance of our webinars.”

Employers can register and submit questions for XpertHR’s free seminar on Tuesday 3 December at 11am GMT by clicking here.

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By Editor