Mon. Sep 16th, 2024

Highlighting the need for both a bespoke and human-touch approach to truly support customers via added-value services, RedArc has revealed that it has extensive knowledge of over 400 individual UK charities and self-help organisations which they have researched to help people with their specific needs.

Whilst acknowledging that tech is a huge enabler for added-value services, RedArc cautions that in isolation tech is not yet the panacea to successful customer support. Tech solutions need to be backed up by real people for insurers to ensure the support they give to customers is personalised and can genuinely make a difference.

Christine Husbands, managing director, RedArc Nurses said: “It may be tempting for an insurer to select an off-the shelf, tech-based added-value service but in doing so, they risk falling short of the levels of support that can really benefit their customers. For insurers to make a tangible difference to their customers’ lives, they need to offer tailored support. That’s why we’re using the example of our nurse advisers having working knowledge of hundreds of different charities in order to highlight what bespoke really means in action.”

Nuances of charities and organisations required

Individuals often feel overwhelmed during difficult times in life such as bereavement, trauma or a serious illness, and may not know about, or be capable of, finding support groups or reading materials that will help them deal with their situation. That’s where a dedicated medical expert can pinpoint a specific charity that is relevant to their conditions, gender, location and other demographics in order to provide the most appropriate help. A tech solution on its own isn’t yet capable of understanding the nuances of an individual’s circumstances and advising accordingly.

Groups and organisations that the company has researched for people are wide and varied, and include dealing with amputation, violence, and parenting children with special needs. This is in addition to numerous other resources including books, leaflets and apps, that are continually researched and added to.

Some people like a lot of information to read through, others much less, so support is recommended depending on the relevance and appropriateness, taking into account stage of recovery, and personality.

Christine Husbands continued: “When life takes a turn for the worse, people know they can rely on their insurer for a financial payout but they also need someone to turn to, to discuss the other implications for them and their families – be that practical changes to their home, the emotional impact of a diagnosis, returning to work, dealing with side effects of treatment or how to discuss their condition with family and friends. The list is endless. By working with an added-value supplier that offers a human interface who has the experience and expertise to provide a tailored service, their customers are much more likely to get a better outcome and also hold the insurer in better regard.”

Support groups aid self-reliance

Although RedArc’s support is available for as long as the customer requires it, self-reliance is usually the much-sought after long-term outcome for individuals. Providing advice on how to find services that offer interaction with others who are experiencing similar issues (such as via charities and similar not-for-profit groups) is a great way to help people find independence and begin to stand on their own two feet.

Christine Husbands continued: “Insurers may find it hard to get their head around exactly what bespoke means in terms of added-value benefits, as every customer will receive different personalised support, and even two patients presenting with the same condition may travel different routes to get to the same point of recovery. And those levels of personalisation, although may be funnelled through an app or other technology, ultimately require a real person to decipher the best course of treatment or support.”

By Editor