It seems that CBD oil is increasingly being used by millenials to relieve stress.
Data released this month from online pharmacist, Instant eCare, reveals millennials aged 22 – 37 are the largest demographic using CBD products, citing work-related anxiety as the cause for their usage.
Online pharmacist, Instant eCare, conducted a survey of 300 respondents across the UK in order to gain a greater understanding of the attitudes of young professionals purchasing CBD oil, vape oil and capsules, and understand the health ailments they’re using CBD to treat. Responses revealed growing use of CBD products, with more consumers using the natural chemical substance to aid a variety of health conditions, including anxiety, depression and chronic pain.
Cannabidiol or CBD oil as it’s more commonly known, was legalised in the UK in 2018 and is regularly used to assist with chronic pain relief and wellbeing disorders. However, the data revealed the largest percentage of users regularly buying CBD products are young professionals with desk-based occupations, within industries such as IT, Administration and Sales for stress relief, rather than pain relief.
Those within medical professions also highlighted their use of CBD. 28% of respondents identified as being a doctor, dentist or nurse and they use CBD products or supplements to treat insomnia or other sleep-related conditions. Key findings include:
- A whopping 44% of those working within the Art/Design/Creative sector listed financial worries being their biggest cause of stress
- Respondents with desk-based job titles, such as IT Consultants, Salespeople and Accountants listed workplace stress as being the biggest trigger for frequent use of CBD products
- 37% confirmed their job and work life is the biggest contributing factor towards using CBD products to assist with the symptoms of anxiety
- 16% of those surveyed stated they use CBD products to alleviate financial worries
- 42% of medical professionals revealed their use of CBD is to alleviate stress caused by relationship worries.
- 21% of retail assistants stated family pressure is the reason for their use of CBD products
Whilst the majority of those surveyed revealed they have been using CBD for less than six months, 36% foresee themselves continuing to use CBD for therapeutic use for a further six months. This data leaves Instant eCare to believe the popularity and demand for legal CBD oils and CBD Drinks for health is certainly on an upward curve.
Sarah Morgan, pharmacy business development manager, said
“Clinical studies back-up the use of CBD hemp oil as a versatile health supplement said to aid minor pain, anxiety or depression. Alternative remedies such as Cannabidiol is the next level of stress therapy and it is believed to carry a number of health benefits.”
For more information on the use of CBD products, visit the Instant eCare blog here.