Sun. Sep 8th, 2024

UK law firm TLT has launched a podcast to help HR professionals stay up to date with and develop a better understanding of the biggest issues in UK employment law.

The purpose of ‘Employment Law Focus’ is to act as a filter on the hundreds of news stories and cases that happen every month. The presenters also delve into the biggest topics affecting HR teams, focusing on a different ‘feature’ in every episode and answering listeners’ questions.

The first episode looks at the Me Too movement and sexual harassment in the workplace and is presented by partners Jonathan Rennie and Siobhan Fitzgerald and solicitor Fraser Vandal. It explores some of the more intricate issues that could cause HR professionals some of the biggest challenges, and some of the more unusual aspects of the topic including the use of US-style ‘love contracts’ and the impact of social media on the claims process.

Jonathan Rennie, partner at TLT, explains:

“There isn’t a day goes by when you don’t read about employment issues in the media. HR teams are faced with more issues than ever – many of which are important enough to feature on the boardroom agenda – making it trickier to keep up to date. We feel like our podcast is unique in the UK employment market because it gives people a chance to not only catch up on the news, but also to hear experts discuss these important issues in more detail and give their expert views and advice.

“The Me Too movement and related topics such as sexual harassment and sex discrimination have been dominating headlines recently, but these issues and the claims brought by individuals can be incredibly complex. We felt this was a useful place to start and are looking forward to sharing more of our team’s views with our listeners.”

TLT is a UK-wide law firm and its employment team is based in and able to advise clients in all three UK jurisdictions of England & Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.

Employment Law Focus is available now via the TLT website and all major podcast platforms, including Spotify, iTunes, Google Podcasts, TuneIn, Pocketcasts and Overcast.

By Editor